The Blitz Blues

The Bottom of the Rollercoaster Called Writer’s Life

Danny Oak
4 min readJan 5, 2024


Photo by Jorgen Hendriksen on Unsplash

A writer is someone who is always screwed.

We’re individuals intrinsically driven by the urgency to express our thoughts and ideas, yet constantly struggling to do it seamlessly.

Sometimes we don’t know what to write about, others we do but we don’t know how to approach it. Then we see the clock ticking and the ideas vanishing, and a lightning of certainty falls on us: “I can’t do it, that’s it, I’m done.”

I experience that daily.

The Writer’s Life

On any typical day, I wake up, get dressed, and drag myself to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

I then enter Writer mode. I’m excited.

I’m at my desk, with a cup of hot coffee under my nose, looking at the blank page and the blinking cursor — “Is it counting all the numerous stories that I can write about?

Minutes pass, visual silence…

A slow eye movement to the low right corner of the screen… eyes back to the blank page — “there’s still time…

I open my drafts folder, skimming through the titles to see if I feel like writing about any.



Danny Oak
Danny Oak

Written by Danny Oak

Writer | Writing about my journey to become who I want to be. Join my newsletter SOAK for exclusive content. Join here:

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